Friday, December 9, 2016

Half Way (friends) 12-5-16

Today marks 9 MONTHS!!! I cannot believe I made it. NEVER thought this day would come, and now I think it came too quick. I just want to bare my testimony that I have loved my mission. It truly has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but also the most rewarding. I never ever thought in life my joy would come from seeing others come to church, or pray, or just say hi to us. I never in a million years would have thought that HALF way across the world where the most beautiful people I have ever met. I never thought that Heavenly Father had the perfect plan until I followed his plan for me, and I have literally seen the beauty and the picture he has prepared for me. I CANNOT imagine my life if I had never come. I LOVE these people, I can't talk about them without getting tears in my eyes, I definitely know that this is EXACTLY where I am supposed to be. It's like I said the hardest thing I have ever done, but I can honestly say the most rewarding too. I thought being in pageants, and dancing and cheering brought me happiness, and they did, but I cannot explain the feelings of pure joy and peace I get as I see others find light, find hope and find Jesus Christ. It is truly so humbling. I have learned to love EVERYONE. I find so much beauty in diversity, I love people with tattoos, my favorite people are those who's houses smell like smoke to the max and those who are drunk, and I love them because our Savior too thought them worthy of His blood, I love them because I see potential in them. I seriously cannot believe I am on the downward SLOPE!!!!!!! 

Christmas lights start this week, and I am sooo excited. It will be full on here, we don't close till 11 p.m. every single night, so luckily President Cummings is allowing us 8 hours of sleep of the time we get home, I think I would die going to bed so late and still having to get up so early!! 

I hope you each had a beautiful week, SO grateful to know each of you! Find someone to serve this week, and LIGHT the world. You are each a light in my life, and I am so grateful to know you!!! 


Sister Maddie DeLoach 

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