Monday, April 10, 2017

FAMILY!!! 4-9-17

Hello family!! It was another crazy week!! Cyclone Deborah from Australia partially hit some of NZ, so it was crazyyy weather, we are all safe though, nothing to worry about!! It was actually amazing because we were on exchanges and the Sister and I just so happened to walk, luckily miracles happen in the rain!! Like I said this week I was on exchanges, I went with a Filipino Sister names Sister De Guzman, and it was amazing. I love being in a position to help sisters, it truly is such a blessing. Previous to opening exchanges I prayed really hard to know what these Sisters needed to hear, and I kept having the thought of weaknesses being made strengths so I decided to act upon it. As I shared this message found in 2 Cor. 12:9-10 I really really felt the love for these sisters. I really felt the spirit so strong, and I know that they felt it, as we each strive to overcome our weaknesses and through Christ make them strengths. I really saw these Sisters for a short moment as the Lord see's them, and I can truly say how much I love them!! 

This week was full on. We had Zone Conference, Interviews, and General Conference. TOO MUCH SPIRIT IN ONE WEEK, I am exhausted, hahah. Zone Conference it really seemed like was focused around asking specific questions, Sister Ticong and I decided to take it to heart, and when we went out proselyting later that day, we said a prayer and Sister Ticong said, "Heavenly Father if it be thy will we really would like to find a new keen investigator this hour while we are out" I grabbed a book of mormon and said "this is for our new investigator" kinda laughing, haha. We went, and down the road we saw this man, and we both said, there he is!! We kept walking and got to him, and he completely dismissed us, it was HILARIOUS. I awkwardly had my hand out in the air and it brushed his shirt, hahah he said "No time, off to pay taxes".. We didn't give up, we just laughed, and continued on. We went to see an investigator in the near area, and he wasn't home, so we headed in the direction towards our car when right then we look over and see a women mowing her lawn, we offered to help, she declined the help but turned off her mower so she could talk. We shared a message, and she said how sisters used to visit her, but then she had baby, but that she is really interested in the message we have to share and she would like to meet Tuesday at 2. WOAH!!!!!!! We walked a way in awe, we now have a new keen investigator, and MIRACLES HAVE NOT CEASED!!! It was such a blessing to know that Heavenly Father is keenly aware of us, and he did truly hear our prayers!! 

We decided to ride bikes this week, and while riding, Sister ticongs chain broke 3 times, me being the "handy companion who watched her dad fix chains" decided I could fix it, yeah right.. hahah it was terrible, and we were running late so we just decided to walk. We felt to fix it one more time, and right when we stopped, I felt SO hopeless, no one was stopping to help and people were all around, it felt like we were invisible, and we were really struggling, I sent of the most heart felt prayers to Heavenly Father, maybe complaining a little, and right then hands reached out of no where, turn around and there was our Less Active member, brother Heata. He drove by, felt to turn around, and now was helping us. I just sobbed, he probably thought I was crazy, but it was such an answer to prayers, plus he looks a lot like Josh, and it really made me think of how blessed I am to know that my siblings would have stopped, that my parents would have stopped, and HE DID STOP!! I really felt so grateful, and once again proof that he really does hear an answer our prayers.

My favorite talk was by S. Mark Palmer, he shared about the Saviours love. I know that is the only way to successfully do this work is to love everyone, and I am so grateful for the love I am beginning to feel for those around me. I love my companion, I love my family, and I love my Saviour. I hope that we can each continue to be true, and keep our covenants, and our promises "because we said we would" I know that the Lord loves and cares about each of you, I miss you all so much, and I love you heaps and heaps. 

Sister DeLoach 

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